Follow Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
The Great Goblin Bake Off
A Prepless Shitpost Game about Baking Goblins
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A two player game about a hunter and the monster they are pursuing.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Project: BENTHOS
A Solo TTRPG about a Deep Sea Rescue
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Impending Flames
A solo journaling game about the final days of a phoenix's regeneration cycle.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A solo journaling game about a place of great power and its lone guardian.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A solo journaling TTRPG about a lingering spirit and unfinished business.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A solo game about the life, followers, and deeds of a martyr - powered by Sentinel.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Weeds in the Waste
A game about tending a garden in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
The Long Way Down
A Wretched and Alone game about the story of Orpheus and Eurydice
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
The Silent Garden
A solo journaling game about Medusa walking in her garden of statues.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Origin Story
A (Not So) Wretched and Alone game about the rise of a superhero
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Sanctuary & Sentinel
A collection of two GMless games about a powerful place and its guardians.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A GMless game about a place of great power and its guardians.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
One Particular Harbor
A game of pirates, sailors, mermaids, and making messy entanglements.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
The Family Order
A Tarot Based Storytelling Game of Magic and Family
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Starlings by Starlight
A two player game about members of rival wizard factions.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Almost Home
A storytelling game about the last leg of a long haul space mission.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Like Real People Do
A Two player narrative TTRPG about a mage with a secret and the living vault they create to keep it safe.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Echoes of the Lost City
An asynchronously played two player letter writing game about the past and future of a Lost City.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A Descended from the Queen game about clones discovering who they are as they seek out their progenitor.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A two player game about a Human attempting to save the memories of their AI counterpart.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
You Will be Haunted by Three Spirits
A GMless game for three players about changing the heart of someone who desperately needs it.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Yas, Queen!
A game about a group of drag queens going on an adventure
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Telling the Bees
A storytelling game about the year in the life of a small, farming community, as told to the town's bees.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A two player game about the relationship between the sun and the moon.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
The (Attempted) Thwarting of the (Attempted) Assassination of Archduke Frogz Ferdinand
A Competitive 2 Player Game about A Guard, an Assassin, and a Big Frog
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Session Zero
Session Zero: Complete Edition
A Collected Edition of all three Session Zero games.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Session Zero
A deck based character creation game.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Session Zero: World Building Edition
A deck based world building game
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Session Zero: Bond Building Edition
A deck based game about establishing bonds between characters
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
One Page RPGs
The 147th Annual Necromancer's Ball
A one page TTRPG about necromancy and feeling fancy.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A one page RPG about a god willing themself into existence
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A 2 player game about the relationship between the inhabitant of a satellite and their contact planetside.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A one page TTRPG about the start of a revolution
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A one page RPG about a queer mermaid crime squad.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A silly game about three koalas in a trench coat trying to blend in with human society.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Game Supplements & SRDs
A Quick and Easy Guide to Shitpost TTRPG Design
A Shitpost Zine about how to write shitpost TTRPGs
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Powered by Sentinel SRD
An SRD for creating games Powered by Sentinel
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Bond Creation for Quest RPG
Bond Creation Prompts for Quest RPG
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Roll +Super
31 Custom Moves for Masks: A New Generation
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
Five Days Hence
A card-sized supplement about a town out of time and space.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
En Garde!
A business card TTRPG about dueling
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
And Then What Happens?
A business card sized game for what to do in your game when the action hits a lull.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
A business card sized character creation game
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
The Last Hurrah
A business card sized game about the "retirement" of a character.
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross
You should be listening to Jolene right now
A Not-Game about the greatest song ever written
Meghan(IynnFTW) Cross