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I was able to back the kickstarter for weeds in the waste and I am so thrilled with my copy! writing up my little plants on my plots and getting excited when they are saved from the blight each season was such a treat. A sweet, engrossing game where you get to make your own world and then work hard to keep it alive.


Weeds in the Waste is imaginative, immersive, and despite being a game that you can play in a short time packs a whole lot of emotion and story. The mechanics are quick to learn and don’t require anything I didn’t already have from playing other games. I plan to come back to it again and again as well as encourage those I’m playing other games with to try it out.

I recommend Weeds in the Waste for fans of Village Witch, Apothecaria, Last Tea Shop, and other magical fantasy solo games that have a habit of turning dark at times.

My full review including how I played Weeds in the Waste in combination with Village Necromancer is on my blog

(I attempted to put this review in with my rating but for some reason it wouldn't let me. Will try again in the future)


Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed playing Weeds in the Waste!


The withering and sprouting mechanics are a fun mix of dread and hope. I’m new to rpgs and struggled a bit with the prompts, but I enjoyed building a little, dying world.


I really enjoyed playing Weeds in the Waster. The mechanics allow you to play a quick (under an hour) or longer game, depending on the time you want to invest. The growth and wither stages are delightfully simple, while the reflections help to flesh out the world. I played a love story in the face of disaster and salt fields.


I loved this. I've purchased many games on Itch, but have yet to find the time to sit and write. This being only my second was awesome. It's simple enough that you can kind of make it what you want. I'm playing in a continuous world, where ever character is somehow connected to the previous garden or gardener is some way, big or small. And use each season to flesh out what the gardener is feeling in addition to any of the game prompts.

In short, it's an incredible blueprint.